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Dr. Mike Murray and Dr. Larry Bell are teaching a highly practical weekend course that will provide participants with insight into neuromuscular human performance and a set of practical treatment protocols that can be directly applied in clinical practice. Drawing upon their extensive combined experience of serving as medical specialists at over 100 National and International sport competitions, Drs. Murray and Bell will inspire and motivate practitioners with in-depth practical demonstrations and a sharing of clinical gems. 


The workshops will show you how to detect various problems through observation and integrate various adjustive and soft tissue techniques to correct imbalances and restore function from the ground upwards. You will also learn simple rehabilitation exercises designed to improve human performance and the latest innovations in assessments and treatment strategies.


Full Course Description Below

FBA Seminar Testimonial
FBA Seminar
FBA Seminar
FBA Seminar


Full Description

Throughout the weekend, Drs. Bell and Murray draw on their combined experience at over 100 National and International competitions (including 5 Olympics each) to help instill confidence and provide an expanded skill set to the participants.The weekend is packed with clinical gems and a sharing of experiences from the office and at major games. The goal of the weekend is to offer an array of useful tools that participants can use immediately after the seminar.



Part I: Introduction to Kinetic Chain
This section reviews research and theories from the various leaders in the field such as Yanda, Tom Meyers, Gray Cook, etc. Here students will begin to learn the concept of integration of the upper and lower body with an emphasis on human performance. This section reviews foot function and its effect on the entire body.
Part II: Functional Assessment and Treatment (Hands – On)
This section involves functional assessment of the lower extremity and treatment protocols to correct biomechanical dysfunction. Here the students are introduced to various soft tissue protocols and adjustment procedures (myofacial release, Graston, etc). The emphasis is on correcting and improving the functional components in the chain.

Part III: Adjunctive Therapies and Procedures (Hands-On)
The section teaches the basics of muscles testing and introduces a variety of ancillary therapies that are complimentary to the course. This includes various stretching techniques, muscles activation, Mulligan belts, and kinesio taping.
Part IV: Integration and Performance
This section shows how a field practitioner can integrate various techniques as well as how the myofascial chains interact (i.e.: during athletic events or activities). The focus is on ambulation and running but offers students an understanding between the interplay of upper and lower extremities. The instructors may also use live athletes and cases to demonstrate how to incorporate the weekend's topics into a good workflow at the office on Monday morning in their offices.

NOTE: Topics and the actual schedule may vary slightly from the above synopsis.

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